“America’s Hidden Coast: Mississippi”

Travel Reporter Peter Greenberg Explores Coastal Mississippi in New PBS Series

The Mississippi Gulf Coast will be showcased this month in a new PBS series hosted by Emmy award-winning journalist Peter Greenberg.

Affectionately known as the “Travel Detective,” Greenberg has explored the world with kings and presidents and now searches the Magnolia State shoreline during the first one-hour domestic special of “America’s Hidden Coast: Mississippi.” The episode will feature the beaches and other unique gems scattered throughout Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson counties for his PBS audience. He also has multiple travel shows as well as eight camera crews around the globe including Spain, Ireland, Turkey, Croatia, Dubai, New York, and California.

The Coastal Mississippi Tourism team helped Greenberg find all the right spots to highlight throughout the three coastal counties, including the rich maritime heritage, the history of the gaming industry and its economic impact, recognizable places and areas, well-known coastal personalities, and a few secret gems that will even pique the intrigue and interest of long-time locals.

“We’re doing this with great storytellers. The people who live what they do and love what they do,” he said, adding viewers will see him working on a shrimp boat, learning how to deal cards at a casino, and immersing himself in local food, music, art, and culture.

Greenberg was born and raised in Manhattan, New York, and in 1972 became the Newsweek magazine correspondent based in Houston and covering Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

“Not only were the best stories here, but the best people were also here,” he said. “I had the best time, and I learned over the years so many people in the media had no idea about this part of the world or they just didn’t want to know.”

He added as he and his team developed the new PBS series, they wanted to focus on places that didn’t get a lot of publicity. “My audience always wants me to tell them something they didn’t know, and Mississippi is something they don’t know,” he said.
Check your local PBS listing for the date and time of “America’s Hidden Coast: Mississippi” airing this month.

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